Our company uses your Hold Music feature at our restaurants, and I would like to see if you could consider an update that I think would benefit all users on your platform.
Could you create two categories for playlists � one for prompts and one for primary background music? Ideally, this would allow users to randomize the prompts in while constantly playing one primary track in the background with volume fades in and out when playing prompts. Another bonus would be to set the duration between prompts, but this would be a great enhancement for users like us that record promotional prompts.
In the current state, when we tested the playlist feature with random selected, the voice prompts played back-to-back with no breaks in between and then the long music track played last. It would certainly help us from having to go through so much production for hold music since we have to edit and create one mp3 file to achieve all of this.
I�m adding your tech support team to this thread in case there�s a way to do this and we�re just overlooking.
Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions.
Branen Fitzgerald
Marketing Manager
King's Seafood Company 3185 J Airway Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626
714.432.0400 Ext. 251
[http://kingsfishhouse.net/images/ig104.png] [http://kingsfishhouse.net/images/fb104.png] [http://kingsfishhouse.net/images/li104.png] [http://kingsfishhouse.net/images/yt104.png]